
First Last Nickname Ht. Wt. Reach Stance W L D Belt
James Gabert -- 178 lbs. -- 6 4 0
Gustavo Gabriel 5' 6" 125 lbs. -- Orthodox 13 1 0
Claudia Gadelha Claudinha 5' 4" 115 lbs. 63.0" Orthodox 18 5 0
Alavutdin Gadjiev 6' 2" 185 lbs. -- Orthodox 18 13 1
Magomed Gadzhiyasulov 6' 2" 205 lbs. 75.0" Orthodox 9 0 0
Justin Gaethje The Highlight 5' 11" 155 lbs. 70.0" Orthodox 25 5 0
Sheila Gaff The German Tank 5' 5" 135 lbs. -- Orthodox 9 7 0
Muin Gafurov Tajik 5' 7" 135 lbs. 68.0" Southpaw 19 6 0
Mitch Gagnon 5' 5" 135 lbs. 65.0" Southpaw 12 5 0
Brandon Gaines 6' 3" 185 lbs. -- 5 21 0
Travis Galbraith The Gladiator 6' 0" 170 lbs. -- Orthodox 18 7 0
Dave Galera Scarecrow 5' 11" 135 lbs. -- Orthodox 5 1 0
Zelg Galesic Benkei 6' 2" 185 lbs. -- Orthodox 11 9 0
Mickey Gall 6' 2" 170 lbs. 74.0" Switch 7 6 0
Daniel Gallemore Big Kansas 6' 5" 265 lbs. -- 7 3 0
Tom Gallicchio Da Tank 5' 10" 170 lbs. -- Southpaw 19 10 0
Turrell Galloway 5' 3" 145 lbs. -- 8 6 0
Eric Galvan -- 155 lbs. -- 0 0 0
Andre Galvao 5' 7" 168 lbs. -- Orthodox 5 2 0
Marcos Galvao Loro 5' 7" 135 lbs. -- Orthodox 18 8 1
Lucas Gamaza -- 170 lbs. -- 8 4 0
Joey Gambino The Raging Warrior 5' 7" 145 lbs. -- Orthodox 9 2 0
Manvel Gamburyan The Anvil 5' 5" 135 lbs. 67.0" Orthodox 15 10 0
Mateusz Gamrot Gamer 5' 10" 155 lbs. 70.0" Southpaw 24 2 0
Shamil Gamzatov 6' 2" 205 lbs. 76.0" Orthodox 14 1 0